April – May 2024

Nalle Havsöga
April 8th – May 2nd 10:00 & 12:30
School performances
Public performances  April 6, 13, 20, 21, 27 and May 4th.

A Swedish newly written opera for children at Malmö Opera Verkstan, Sweden.

Malmö Opera


August 2024


3th Dame and 3rd Knabe in Mozarts Magic Flute at Den Ny Opera, Esbjerg (DK)

Performances from 23th – 31st of August

Den Ny Opera

December 2024

Nordic Christmas

Ars Nova’s traditional Christmas concert with conductor Sofi Jeannin. Music by Grieg, Sibelius, Nielsen, Lidholm, Nørgård.

14th 16:00 Ellevang Kirke, DK

15th 15:00 Søllerød Kirke, DK

20th 19:30 Lillerød Kirke, DK

21st 17:00 Herning Kirke, DK

22nd 16:00 Trinitatis Kirke, DK

Ars Nova Copenhagen

January 2025

New Years Concert

Soloist with Helsingør Kammeropera, with musicians from the Royal Danish Opera and pianist Leif Greibe.

19th Helsingør Teaterhus, DK 16:00

Helsingør Kammeropera

March – May 2025


The main part of Baba in Menotti’s The Medium. On tour in Skåne, southern Sweden, with Malmö Opera.

Premiere 1st of March, touring until 24th of May.

Malmö Opera

August 2025


Francine Vis will sing Wellgunde at Den Ny Opera in Esbjerg, DK

Performances from 24th – 30th of August

Den Ny Opera